reLEAF – come and join us planting trees!
We have had several very successful planting sessions at Tibbs Road sports field this season in all types of weather and so far have planted about 1,400 hedging plants & 40 trees. It’s been great to have so many people…
Tree planting
Sorry, we’ve had to cancel the planting session planned for Monday 12th December due to the freezing weather conditions. We hope to be able to go ahead with the session planned for Saturday 17th 10.30am Tree planting dates – Zero…
Thermal Imaging Information
We have assembled some material to help users of out Thermal imaging Scanner get the most out of their loan of the equipment. There are training videos, instructions, quick, guides, sample images and other videos showing the use of the…
A successful morning planting at ‘The Glebie’!
It was great to be joined by some new planters on Saturday morning! We planted hawthorn and hazel hedging, with some daffodils, loosestrife and iris to hopefully bring a splash of colour. If you want to get involved too then…
Tree planting season is upon us again!
We have three planting sessions planned on Sat 22nd Oct 10 -12, Sun 30th Oct 1- 3 and Sun 6th Nov 1- 3, and there will be more to follow. This year we will be focusing mostly on planting at…
Haddenham Food Waste project
Launching at Vale Harvest food market in the village hall on Saturday 5th March (9am to 1pm), ahead of the UK’s food waste action week. The average family of four in the UK could save just over £60 a month…
More trees go in – this time in Sheerstock Park
Huge thanks to the hardy group of people who turned out this morning to plant trees, despite the wind, cold, rain and snow! We had a successful time and got 13 trees planted. We have volunteers to water some of…
More trees for Haddenham as part of the reLEAF project
Buckinghamshire Council (BC) recently made a successful bid to the Local Authority Treescapes fund. Part of that bid included trees for Haddenham which the reLEAF project team requested (various other community groups around the county also requested trees and will…
The first reLEAF tree planting session!
A group from the reLEAF team, along with some nearby residents, planted five trees this morning on a small patch of parish council owned land on Sheerstock. The trees are four apples: Discovery; Braeburn; Lanes Prince Albert; Reverend Wilks, and…