We’re Hiring!
Carbon reduction contract – ZeroCH Project Contractor We are in the midst of a climate and nature emergency – but we can all make a positive contribution to change this. Zero-Carbon Haddenham is a group of ordinary people, living ordinary…
Recycling the tricky stuff – April 2024 update
The trial to collect various items that cannot be recycled in our kerbside recycling bin, at Café Zero in the Village Hall on the first Saturday morning of every month, is coming to an end, but we have sufficient funding…
reLEAF hedge planting
This winter we will be planting a thousand more rose hedging bare root plants. We hope to do this in three sessions. The first will be on Sat 16th Dec 9.30am – we will be continuing the rose hedging along…
Closure of EV Hire Club
EV Hire Club to close, but a more sustainable solution may be on the cards As the many members will already have heard, Haddenham’s EV Hire Club pilot is sadly coming to an end. Having been involved from the outset,…
Proud of Bucks Awards
The Proud of Bucks Awards celebrate Buckinghamshire’s communities that have demonstrated care, creativity and commitment towards their local areas. The awards recognise and applaud outstanding community contribution carried out by local volunteers. Last night Zero Carbon Haddenham won the ‘Community…
reLEAF work party dates
The tree planting season is over until October but there is plenty that we can do to look after the trees that we have already planted such as weeding, mulching and checking the general condition of the ties & stakes.…
reLEAF – a project update
You may have noticed that there are lots of new trees springing up around Haddenham. This is thanks to a group of volunteers from reLEAF – a joint project between Zero Carbon Haddenham www.zeroch.org and Haddenham Parish Council. What has…
BEE SQUARED – Launches this Saturday
reLEAF at Tibbs Road – We’re on the final furlong!
I’m very pleased to say that all the trees and hedging that we had planned to plant this season at Tibbs Road sports field have now been planted! Huge thanks to everyone who has turned up and got stuck in!There…
Guess what – we are planting trees!
We have two sessions coming up next weekend, Friday 10th at 1.30pm and Sunday 12th 1.30 – 4.30pm at the Tibbs Road sports field (behind the Co-op). Friday’s session is with staff from McCormick’s but everyone is welcome to join…