reLEAF at Tibbs Road – We’re on the final furlong!
I’m very pleased to say that all the trees and hedging that we had planned to plant this season at Tibbs Road sports field have now been planted! Huge thanks to everyone who has turned up and got stuck in!
There will be some more of the tiny free hedge plants free from the Woodland Trust coming some time in the first two weeks of March so we will be looking for more help to plant them. We also hope to plant more hedging and trees along the western boundary in the autumn – we are just negotiating with Cala who still own the strip of land between the path and the swale.
In the meantime we will use the Sunday afternoon sessions already planned for “finishing off” jobs, watering and mulching. (The Parish Council contractor will take over watering soon.) Useful tools to bring are a wheel barrow, a watering can, a flat rake (ie not a grass rake), a spade. Small builders bags or large sacks will be handy too. Please come even if you haven’t got any of these – people power is the most essential! If anyone has a trailer or car with a large boot that they would be prepared to use to help ferry wood chip from Snakemoor then please let me know.
Remaining planned sessions :
- Sunday 26th February 1.30 – 4.30
- Sunday 12th March 1.30 – 4.30
- Sunday 19th March 1.30 – 4.30
No need to attend for the duration but please check-in when you arrive (so we can cover all the health & safety & insurance requirements).
Kirsten and the reLEAF team