
More trees for Haddenham as part of the reLEAF project

Buckinghamshire Council (BC)  recently made a successful bid to the Local Authority Treescapes fund. Part of that bid included trees for Haddenham which the reLEAF project team requested (various other community groups around the county also requested trees and will be receiving funding). Some of the funding awarded to Haddenham is for ‘street trees’, in other words in the verges next to the roads. So, we are delighted to announce that this winter 24 street trees will  be planted by BC contractors. The standard trees, ie ~12-16cm girth,  will include, but not be limited to: flowering cherry, london plane, mountain ash, rowan, and small-leaved lime. The new trees will be in Sheerstock, Slave Hill, Station Road, Stockwell Furlong/Churchway, Thame Road, The Gables and Willow Rise. The approximate locations are shown on this map but may change when the contractors perform CAT scans to identify any buried utility services.

Other sites were requested but were deemed unsuitable for a tree. Watering the trees is essential in the first few years and the BC contractors will also be doing this.

There are a number of risks associated with planting trees in the verges, footways and carriageways, which  are all considered to be part of ‘the highway’. Because of this BC require that only competent contractors working on their behalf, with appropriate public liability, plant street trees. reLEAFhave been working with BC to make the process of requesting a street tree more straightforward, but please note there is a charge for this – you will receive a quotation if the site is assessed as being suitable.
