The first reLEAF tree planting session!

A group from the reLEAF team, along with some nearby residents, planted five trees this morning on a small patch of parish council owned land on Sheerstock. The trees are four apples: Discovery; Braeburn; Lanes Prince Albert; Reverend Wilks, and a Hazel Nut tree. These will be productive in a couple of years time and we hope local people will help themselves to a few apples or nuts.

Each tree will need 2 watering cans of water every week until the leaves fall off in the autumn, and the same again next year from March onwards. Do you live nearby – could you water one of the trees? Please get in touch and we will let you know which tree doesn’t yet have a carer.
This is the first planting session, with many more to come over the next ten years. We hope to plant food producing trees wherever they wont drop their fruit or nuts onto roads or pathways. We will be planting roadside trees too once we have established which verges are suitable with the county council.
We hope to work with everyone – schools, businesses, community groups and land owners – to double the tree cover in the parish. According to scientists, planting billions of trees across the world is by far the biggest and cheapest way to tackle the climate crisis. This is because wood is 50% carbon, so trees are a great carbon store, they take carbon out of the atmosphere. Tree planting is not only a powerful climate change solution it is cheap, available now and everyone of us can get involved.
If you want to join in the project please contact us You don’t have to do this ‘green gym’ work, we need fundraisers too. Why not hold an event to raise money for trees and materials? You can find details of how to donate here